Sunday, July 3, 2011

Embryogenesis according to Ayurved

How I came to earth is question arising in every mind. We are still finding answer to it. Ayurved is an ancient science which deals with life and science of life. From birth to death every stage is mentioned in ayurved.
Above shloka tells us how Garbha is formed. It is compared to process of farming. To yeild good crop we need season, field, water & seed. Same rule is applicable for human life. Season (Rutu), Field(Kshetra), Water(Ambu) Seed(Beeja) when unite , they produce Garbha.
Rutu – Rutu means season or particular time period. Men or women can produce child only at fertile age. So this particular period is Rutu. In case of females from Menarche to Menopause i.e. 12-50yrs is Rutu. Also all we know that ovulation tajes place around 14th day of mensrual cycle. Conception can take place around this time. Ayurved says that 4th -16th day is Rutu.
Kshetra – The fertilised zygote grows in uterine cavity. Hence Uterus is considered as Kshetra. As field should be suitable for crop. Uterus is also important for Embryogenesis. Congenital anamolies of Uterus and Ovaries can be cause of Infertility.
Ambu – The embryo or later stage foetus needs nutrition. It is fully dependent on mother for it’s need. Through placental circulation foetus is supplied Oxygen, nutrients and antibodies. It is as same as rain or water is needed for growth of seed or plant.
Beeja – Seed is last but not least. Good seed has regenaration capacity. Sperm and ovum are healthy then they can form foetus. Either sperm or ovum is defected it can give rise to infertility or congenital diseases or anamolies. Ayurvedic treatment removes such defects from gametes. Healthy gamets produce healthy offspring.

Friday, July 1, 2011


In today's era everybody is on move. None has time to stop. It's a rat race. You can't afford to stop. Take an example if you are going to office you have to run to catch train or bus.
              All these conditions stress your joints. Travelling for hours or sitting in chair can give rise to change in your joint structure. Joint is basically special arrangement of bones for mobility.Each joint is contributing in motion of body.
               Here we will discuss about mainly knee joint problems & spine disorders.
Knee joint pain is usually arthritic origin. Due to age degenerative changes occur in joints giving pain and restricted movements. Arthritis, RA, Gout are various types of joint disorders.
Today Obesity is major problem.Increased weight can give knee joint pain. Sports or trauma can give rise to knee joint injury.
               Travelling is nowadays compulsory for everyone. Since it affects spine, end of some years one can face conditions like spondylitis.A computer person will have changes in cervical spine and person working outdoors and travelling will face lumbar spondylitis.
               In Modern Science for joint disorders few options are available. Pain killer medicines only reduce pain can't repair joint. For degenerative changes hardly any medicine available in Allopathy.
              But in Ayurveda we can reduce pain and repair joint also. Ayurvedic medicines and Panchakarma therapy are very useful.Treatments like Snehan ( oil massage), Swedan( fomentation), Jaanu Basti, Kati Basti, and Yog Basti are suggested in such conditions.
           So if you have one of these problems please do not ignore and take ayurvedic treatment. It will stop further damage and disability. So you will be ahead in race.



Saturday, May 14, 2011


  • Skin is mirror of our body. Our age, physical state, mood and attractiveness can be judged by skin. In Ayurved skin is called   as ‘Twacha’ which means outermost covering of body.

Skin generally performs functions like protection, heat regulation, sensation, heat evaporation and excretion. According to Sushrut, skin is formed at time of fetal development. Sushrut has described 7 layers of skin and its thickness. It is very astonishing that, 3000 years before how he has seen microscopic layers and measured thickness of each layer. Also Sushrut has mentioned skin diseases according to layer of skin.
Now a day it is known that skin has 7 layers. Skin is divided into Epidermis and Dermis. Epidermis has 5 layers and Dermis has 2. Even today Dermatology can’t state disease according to layer.
Ayurved considers skin as sense organ, place of vayu mahabhut. Skin color is due to Bhrajak Pitta. The nourishment of skin is depending on Rasa dhatu which is end product of digestion. Excessive increased Vata gives darkness to skin. Vitiated Rakta dhatu (Impure Blood) gives rise to skin diseases.
Excessive use of salt and sour damages the skin. The products like pickles, curd, preservatives, chemical substances, are harmful for skin. Stress, malnourishment can reduce your glow of skin.
For young, beautiful and healthy skin follow simple things like –
  • Pamper your skin by oil massage at least once in week.
  •  Avoid salty, sour, Chinese and fast food.
  •  Avoid constipation or indigestion.
  • Avoid over use of cosmetics.
  • Use preferably cotton clothing.
  •  Perfume/Body deodorants may produce allergy.
  •  Ghee is best medicine for skin. External application and internal use is good.
  •  Yoga and exercise can help in rejuvenation.
  •  Eat early, Sleep early and Wake up early.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


The concept of gaamitva is very important with respect to kalp. The action of any kalp is depending on various factors. Gaamitva is one of the factors. When a particular kalp is said to act on particular vyaadhi it has to work on particular srotas, particular dosh-dushya samurchana.
Take an example of letter. To reach at particular place the address is very important. You can’t post a letter without writing address on it. Same is about the kalp. As the address written on a letter delivers the letter at correct place, the gaamitva of drug decides where to go in our body and act.
Our body has a definite structure so does the dravya. Hence a particular part of dravya has action on particular body. Most of seeds are vrushya i.e. they reach up to the level of gametes in our body.
Shalmali kantak is used for local application in mukhdushika / pimples (acne). On external appearance Shalmali kantak itself looks like pimples hence it has capacity to work on pimples. This is gaamitva.
 According to ayurveda Lungs are made up of Rakta Phen. Rakta dhatu gives origin to Phuphus/Lungs.  Phenmeans bubble like appearance or foam. So any drug having appearance like Rakta Phen will have capacity to reach Lungs. Praval or coral is such drug. It is reddish in color, porous structure and appearance like bronchial tree. So Praval works on Lungs. 

The role of bhavana dravya is very important in this case. Most of the bhavana dravya provide the drug delivery system. In case of Tribhuvan Kirti rasa, Aadarak swaras provides medium to reach Rasavah Srotas. All contents are delivered to Rasavah Srotas where they act and Jwaraghna action is seen.
We give krumighna medicine with anupan of gud, in which gud reaches to site of krumi and the krumighna property is seen. Til is Kushthakar i.e. it gives rise to Kushtha but Til given with Bhallatak reduces s Kushtha. 
Gaamitva for particular part in our body for a drug can be achieved by Samskar, Bhavana or Anupan.  Triphala is given with Sita (Sugar) in Prameha.  Sugar delivers Triphala to Rasa, Meda, and Maans etc so Prameha is cured.

So if we can understand this concept of Gaamitva, We can achieve exact drug delivery system in our body.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


There's no way to get around babies cry. It's one way they communicate. Since your baby can't talk, you may worry, "How will I know what she wants?" At first it can be difficult, but a large part of parenting is trial and error, and you'll soon learn to anticipate her needs and wipe away her tears. These are the most common reasons babies cry. If your little one is wailing, work your way down the list and chances are you'll find the cure.

How can I tell why my baby is crying?
I'm hungry
Once you learn to recognize the signs that your baby wants to eat — she'll fuss, make noises, and root around for your breast if you pick her up — you'll get pretty good at feeding her before she starts to really cry. But when she is crying, check first to see if she's hungry. Food might not stop her crying right away, but let her keep eating if she wants to. Sometimes a baby will continue to cry even after you start feeding her; keep going, she'll stop once her stomach is full.

Change my diaper
Some babies will let you know right away when they need to be changed; others don't mind when their diapers are soiled — it's warm and comfortable to them. (Parents are often surprised when they pick up their infant and find they've been sitting around in a dirty diaper and never made a sound.) Either way, this one is easy to check and simple to remedy.

I'm too cold or hot
Newborns like to be bundled up and kept warm. (As a rule, they need to be wearing one more layer than you need to be comfortable.) So when your baby feels cold, like when you strip her naked to change her, she'll let you know that she's not happy by crying. You'll learn how to quickly change a diaper and wrap your baby back up to calm her until the crying stops. Watch out that you don't overdress her, since she's less likely to complain about being too warm than about being too cold and won't cry about it as vigorously.

I want to be held
Babies need a lot of cuddling. They like to see their parents' faces, hear their voices, listen to their hearts, and can even detect their unique smell (especially Mom's milk). After being fed, burped, and changed, many babies simply want to be held. You may wonder if you'll "spoil" your child by holding her so much, but during the first few months of life there's no such thing. Infants will vary a lot in how much they want to be held. Some demand a lot of attention, while others can spend long periods of time sitting calmly by themselves. If your baby likes the attention, pick her up or keep her next to you.

I can't take it anymore
While newborns seem to thrive on a lot of attention; they can easily become overstimulated and have a "melt-down." You may find that your baby cries longer than usual after spending a holiday with many adoring family members or has periods at the end of each day when she seems to cry for no reason. Newborns have difficulty filtering out all the stimulation they receive — the lights, the noise, being passed from hand to hand — and can become overwhelmed by too much activity. Crying is their way of saying "I've had enough." This usually happens when your baby is tired. Take her somewhere calm and quiet and let her vent for a while, and then see if you can get her to sleep.

I don't feel good
If you've just fed your baby and checked that she's comfortable (it can be something as subtle as a hair wrapped around her toe or a clothing tag that's poking her), but she's still crying, consider checking her temperature to make sure she isn't ill. The cry of a sick baby tends to be distinct from the hunger or frustration cry, and you'll soon learn when your baby "just doesn't sound right" and needs to be taken to the doctor.

None of the above
Sometimes you might not be able to figure out what's wrong. Many newborns develop periods of fussiness when they're not easily soothed. These periods of fussiness can range from a few minutes of hard-to-console crying to full-blown colic. Colic is defined as inconsolable crying for at least three hours per day, at least three days per week. Even if your baby is not crying for three hours, these episodes may be difficult for you. When all else fails, try the tips below.
I can't figure out the reason. What should I do?
Wrap her up and hold her close
Newborns like to feel as warm and secure as they did in the womb, so try swaddling your baby in a blanket or holding her up against your shoulder. But be aware that some babies find swaddling or cuddling too constrictive and will respond better to other forms of comfort such as sucking a pacifier or rhythmic movement.

Let her hear the rhythm
Babies are used to the sound of your heartbeat; that's another reason they love to be held close. But you can also try playing soft music, singing a lullaby, or even just putting her close to the steady rhythm of an electric fan or the white noise of a vacuum cleaner.

Put her in motion
Sometimes just the motion of carrying your baby around will be enough to calm her. Other times, it may help to rock her gently in a rocking chair or swing at the same rate as your heart (around 60 to 100 beats per minute), set her on top of the dryer while it's on, or take her for a ride in the car.

Rub her tummy
Rubbing your baby's back or belly is one of the most soothing things you can do for her, especially if she's having gas pains, which may be the problem with some colicky babies.

Let her suck on something
Even when she's not hungry, sucking can steady an infant's heart rate, relax her stomach, and calm her flailing limbs. Give her a pacifier or a finger to clamp onto and let her go to town.

Take care of yourself
No baby ever cried herself to death, but a crying baby can be very stressful for new parents. You're chronically sleep-deprived and may already be unsure about how to care for this baby. Mom's emotions are all over the place due to the hormonal changes she's going through. Dad may not be sure what role he should play in caring for the newborn or whether he'll ever get mom's attention again. Add a crying baby to this scenario and many parents can become overwhelmed with feelings of incompetence. If you know your baby's needs have been met and you've tried to calm her but she's still crying, it's time to take care of yourself so you don't get too frustrated:

• Put your baby down and let her cry for a while.
• Call a friend or relative and ask for advice.
• Give yourself a break and let someone else take 
• Put on some quiet music to distract yourself.
• Take deep breaths.
• Remind yourself that nothing is wrong with your  
   baby and crying won't hurt her — she may just be   
   having a good cry about something and can't tell
   you what it is.

• Repeat to yourself, "She will outgrow this
Fortunately, babies (and their parents) are resilient and somehow manage to get through even the most difficult crying episodes. Take heart that by the time your baby is 8 to 12 weeks old, she'll be better able to soothe herself and much of the crying will stop.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Preventing Heart Diseases


         Hrid basti is type of bahya snehan.
Ø    It is specifically performed in heart diseases.

Ø        Purvakarma-  Local snehan and mrudu swedan

Ø        Pradhankarma –

o  Make an oval or quadrangular compound made up of dough.
o  It should be around surface marking of heart.
o  Pour heated oil in it.
o  We can also use plastic clay instead of dough.
o  Wait for 20-35 mins. Meanwhile replace oil with warm oil frequently.
Ø      Pashchaatkarma- 
o  Take out oil with help of cotton.
o  Gently again massage same area.
Ø    Indications –
o  Heart diseases
o  Coronary Artery Disease
o  Cardiac Myopathy.
o  Valvular Diseases
o  Septal Defects
Ø     Medicines –
o  Vataj -  Sahachar, Bala, Mahanarayan  oil etc.
o  Pittaj -  Ghrit, Chandanbalalakshadi etc.
o  Kaphaj -  Sahachar etc.
Ø     Diseases –
o  Myopathy or valvular defects -  Bala, Ksheerbala, Mahanarayan oil
o  CAD- Sahachar, mahasahachar  oil
o  Septal defect – Mahamaash oil.
Ø        Benefits –
o  Strengthens Heart
o  Reduces anger and distress
o  Preventive role

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

वासंतिक वमन

मित्रांनो वसंत ऋतुची चाहुल लागली आहे. थंडी कमी होऊन उष्णता वाढत आहे. प्रसन्न वातावरण आहे. आंब्याला आलेला मोहोर, कोकिलकुजन ही वसंताची पाऊले आहेत. श्रीकृष्णांनी वसंत हा सर्वश्रेष्ठ ऋतु सांगितला आहे. वसंत हा नवनिर्मितीचा निर्देशक आहे.
     आयुर्वेदानुसार वसंत हा कफप्रकोपाचा काळ आहे. आधीच्या शीत ऋतुमध्ये कफ शरीरात साठुन राहतो. वसंतात वाढलेल्या उष्णतेमुळे कफ वितळण्यास सुरुवात होते. या कफामुळे सर्दी खोकला दमा इ. व्याधी होतात.
     वमन हे आयुर्वेदोक्त पंचकर्म या ऋतुमध्ये करावे. वमन या पंचकर्मात सुरुवातिला रुग्णास ४-६ दिवस औषधी युक्त तुप पिण्यास दिले जाते. त्यानंतर एक दिवसाच्या अंतराने रुग्णास वमन दिले जाते.
   वमनाच्या दिवशी रुग्णास सकाळी लवकर सर्वांग स्नेहन स्वेदन करतात. त्यानंतर रुग्णास औषध (ज्या द्वारे उलटी होइल ) दिले जाते. थोड्या वेळाने दुध, उसाचा रस, जेष्ठमधाचा काढा यापैकी एखादे द्रव्य पोटभर पिण्यास सांगतात. रुग्णास उलटी होण्यास सुरुवात होते. उलटी द्वारे शरीरातील विकृत कफ व पित्त बाहेर पडते.
       ४- ८ उलटी झाल्यावर ही प्रक्रिया थांबवतात. रुग्णास दिवसभर आराम करण्यास सांगितले जाते.
रुग्णास हलका पथ्यकर आहार सांगितला जातो.
वमनाचे फायदे -
  • शरीरातील विकृत कफ पित्त बाहेर पडते.
  • कफाचे विकार सर्दी. दमा इ. कायम स्वरुपी कमी होतात.
  • अम्लपित्त इ. पचनाचे विकार ही कमी होतात.
  • स्थौल्य मध्ये फायदा होतो
  • शरीर हलके होते.
  • त्वचा सुंदर होते.
  • पिंपल्स कमी होतात.
म्हणुन या वसंतात सर्वांनी जरुर वमन करुन घ्यावे.

Friday, January 21, 2011

सुवर्णप्राशन - एक संस्कार

भारत हा एक अध्यात्मिक देश आहे. मनुष्य जन्मापासुन ते मृत्यु पर्यंत अनेक संस्कार सांगितले आहेत. बालकाचा जन्म झाल्यावर सुवर्णप्राशन हा एक संस्कार सांगितला आहे.
सध्या महाराष्ट्र शासना तर्फे हा उपक्रम राबविला जात आहे.
या मध्ये ०-६ वर्ष वयोगटातील बालकांना पुष्य नक्षत्राच्या दिवशी सुवर्णयुक्त घृताचे प्राशन केले जात आहे. याची उद्दीष्टे -
  • बालकाच्या बौद्धिक वाढीला चालना देणे
  • बालकाचा शारिरीक विकासास मदत करणे
  • बालकाची रोग प्रतिकार क्षमता वाढविणे 
  • या सर्वांची नोंद घेउन त्याचे शास्त्रियत्व सिद्ध करणे
यातील प्रमुख औषधे -
  • वचादि घृत - वचा बुद्धीवर्धक, स्मरणशक्ती वाढवणारी आहे. तुप बालकांच्या सर्वांगिण वाढिकरिता उपयुक्त आहे.
  • सुवर्ण - सोने उत्तम विषघ्न, मेध्य, बल्य आहे.
  • मध - कफघ्न आहे.
यास्तव यापुढे वर्षभर होणारया या उपक्रमामध्ये सर्वांनी सहभागी व्हावे.
यापुढील काही तारखा याप्रंमाणे-
१७ फेब्रु.१६ मार्च, १२ एप्रिल इ. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Sense  organs are gift to us.Not only they provide us vital information also they work as bridge joining to outside world . Imagine the world without these senses. What if you can't smell or taste? today I want to share my case with you.
A 60 year old patient came to me for complaints like anosmia i.e. loss of smell and loss of taste sensations. Gradually symptoms appeared and situation became worst. One fine day he came to knew that he can't taste food and can't smell even strong smells like Fish or Perfume.
Patient was hypertensive and diabetic. Local examinations revealed nothing. No anatomical deformities of Tongue or  Nose were found. He gave chronic history of Rhinitis nearly about for 30 years.
Smoking, drinking and tobacco was habits. I made diagnosis as chronic rhinitis and gave treatment.
Nasya was given for 7 days. After 1 week patient was relieved from rhinitis. Also he said that he has some taste sensation now.
But, loss of smell was still present. I referred Sushrut Samhita and decided to perform Vedhan chikitsa. So with help of Insulin needle, I pricked on tip of nose. After 2 weeks same procedure was repeated. And now Anosmia was gone. Patient came happily saying that now he can smell.
So this is one of case where modern science fails and AYURVED begins.