Sunday, July 3, 2011

Embryogenesis according to Ayurved

How I came to earth is question arising in every mind. We are still finding answer to it. Ayurved is an ancient science which deals with life and science of life. From birth to death every stage is mentioned in ayurved.
Above shloka tells us how Garbha is formed. It is compared to process of farming. To yeild good crop we need season, field, water & seed. Same rule is applicable for human life. Season (Rutu), Field(Kshetra), Water(Ambu) Seed(Beeja) when unite , they produce Garbha.
Rutu – Rutu means season or particular time period. Men or women can produce child only at fertile age. So this particular period is Rutu. In case of females from Menarche to Menopause i.e. 12-50yrs is Rutu. Also all we know that ovulation tajes place around 14th day of mensrual cycle. Conception can take place around this time. Ayurved says that 4th -16th day is Rutu.
Kshetra – The fertilised zygote grows in uterine cavity. Hence Uterus is considered as Kshetra. As field should be suitable for crop. Uterus is also important for Embryogenesis. Congenital anamolies of Uterus and Ovaries can be cause of Infertility.
Ambu – The embryo or later stage foetus needs nutrition. It is fully dependent on mother for it’s need. Through placental circulation foetus is supplied Oxygen, nutrients and antibodies. It is as same as rain or water is needed for growth of seed or plant.
Beeja – Seed is last but not least. Good seed has regenaration capacity. Sperm and ovum are healthy then they can form foetus. Either sperm or ovum is defected it can give rise to infertility or congenital diseases or anamolies. Ayurvedic treatment removes such defects from gametes. Healthy gamets produce healthy offspring.

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